Central Library

The College has a Central Library with over 80, 000 books and digital setup. Students also have facility to use E-Library books on permission.
The library is well connected with INFLIBNET and DELNET programmes of the UGC. Student in the post graduate programmes can also use INFLIBNET and DELNET facilities and they can also search through over thousands of research journals in various disciplines.
The Library has got a good collection of books. Some of these books (as selected by the Library Committee) may be issued to students.
There is a separate section in the Central Library, called 'Book Bank', meant to help poor students. The college has a rich Book Bank. Any Student/ Teacher/ Organization can donate relevant books to the Book Bank.

Rules of Book Bank

There are following Rules & Regulation for book bank:

  • There is a separate section in the Central Library, called 'Book Bank', meant to help poor students. The college has a rich Book Bank. Any Student/ Teacher/ Organization can donate relevant books to the Book Bank.
  • Books of the Book Bank will be issued to poor students only.
  • The students shall be responsible for the security of the books. In case, the books are lost or pages are torn, the student has to bear full cost of the book.
  • Students shall be issued books for one complete session (i.e., there is no 20 days limit). However when the exams are finished (or by 15th May), the student has to return the books. Otherwise their result will be detained by the college.
  • 10% of the cost of the books would be realized from the students at the time of issue, which is non-refundable.
  • In the middle of the session the books can be exchanged.
  • For issue of books, the recommendation of the incharge of the department is essential.
  • The books will be issued to the Teachers and Regular Students of the college only.
  • Only those books will be issued which has price less than Rs. 800.00 and whose more than one copy is available in the Library.
  • Teacher and Students are issued books of their concerned subjects only. Magazines and News Papers are non-issueable.
  • Bags, Purses etc. are not allowed in the reference room.
  • Students are required to maintain utmost peace and cleanliness in the Library.

Rules of Issue the Book

There are following Rules & Regulation for issue the book:

  • The Library has got a good collection of books. Some of these books (as selected by the Library Committee) may be issued to students. The reference books will not be issued for home.
  • Only one book at a time (maximum 2 with the permission of the concerned HOD/ Principal), will be issued for 20 days.
  • Any book may be recalled any time at the discretion of Principal/ In-charge of the department concerned/ Librarian.
  • If the borrower fails to return the book within 20 days from the date of issue, a fine of Rs. 1 per day will be charged.
  • If the issued book gets damaged in any way, it will not be accepted for return. The student will have to pay the cost of the book along with the fine. Students can also submit the new edition of the same book instead. Students are therefore adviced to checkm the condition of the book at the time of it's issue.
  • All library fines will be deposited at the college fees counter.
  • The students have to return all the books issued to them from the college library by 15th of the February. If they fail to do so, they will not be allowed to appear in the University Examinations.

Other Rules for Library

There are following Other Rules & Regulation for Library:

  • The books will be issued to the teachers and regular students of the college only.
  • Only those books will be issued which have price less than Rs. 800.00 and whose more than one copy is available in the library.
  • Teacher and Students will be issued books of their concerned subject only. Magazines and Newspapers are not issuable.
  • Bag, purse etc. are not allowed in the reference room.the Library.
  • Students are required to maintain utmost peace and cleanliness in the Library.

Administrative Staff

S. No. Staff Name Qualification Designation
1. Shri Amit Goyal B.Com. Librarian (Off.)
2. Smt. Neeraj Agrawal MA, B.Ed. Lib. Clerk
3. Shri Rakesh Sharma Helper

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