Rules & Regulations

Under regulation 27 CH-XXV of the Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra, the Principal will detain from appearing the University examination, such students who do not pay college dues/ return college property (articles, uniform and books etc.) issued to them for physical training/ NCC/ Games or pay the cost thereof, in case of loss, by February 15 preceding University Examination.
Further, according to the University ordinances, when a student has been found guilty of grave misconduct or of persistent idleness or of breach of discipline within or outside the premises of the college, the In-charge of the Institution may take action according to the nature and gravity of the offence:
  • Suspend from attending classes or inflict a fine.
  • Expel.
  • Rusticate for the period not extending an academic year or
  • Disqualify him from appearing in the examination. The principal also has power to suspend a student temporarily from college, pending enquiry into his conduct.
Attendance Rule
  • All Students are required to maintain at least 75% attendance in lectures, tutorials and practical classes; otherwise they can be detained from appearing in the University Examination.
  • Practical, extending over one period will be counted as one lecture and over two periods as two lectures and so on, though there will be only one attendance at the beginning of the practical work.
  • In the faculty of law every candidate shall be required to attend at least 66% of the lecture in each subject.
  • Parents are required to monitor the attendance of their ward. They are advised to meet the HOD(s) of concerned departments times in matter.
Student Aid Fund Scheme
  • This scheme is meant ot provide financial or other help to poor students studying in the college.
  • On the satisfaction of the Principal and SAFS committee, a needy student may be given help in the form of text books, tuition fees relaxation, clothing or some medical expenses.
  • Help in the form of cash payment is not allowed.
Meritorious Student Group
  • About 10% of the total strength of the student in each course may be selected on the basis of their past performance/ written test.
  • The selected group in each stream will be designated as 'Meritorious Student Group' or 'MSG'.
  • Students in these groups will be provided separate coaching without any extra fees.
  • They will also be provided additional reading books and facilities in the library.
  • This aims to improve their merit and to project them as role models for others to get the inspiration.
Remedial Classes
  • This is a University Grants Commission sponsored scheme for science students of weaker section (SC/ST).
  • In these classes, the students are given opportunity to enhance their knowledge by attending extra classes, besides the regular time-table.
Issue of Character Certificate, TC & Testimonials
  • Students who are in need to Transfer Certificate (T. C.)/ Migration Letter, Character Certificate, and other testimonials from the college are required to apply in writing.
  • The application must be submitted as the fees counter along with the photocopy of the mark-sheet of the last attended class and copy of the I-card.
  • Transfer certificate is issued on the request of the students on the prescribed format and on payment of a S. R. fee of Rs. 21. Student also has to submit the clearance from library and concerned departments.
  • Certificates are ordinarily be issued within 3 working days of the receipt.
Tours & Excursion Programmes

In some courses such as M. Sc. Zoology, Botany, B. Ed. M. Ed. and B. A. Geography subject etc. Excursion/ Study tours may be organized during the study period. All students of the concerned courses shall have to participate in the tours and have to share the expenses by own.

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