About Department

The department aims at the advancement of learning, teaching & diffusion of knowledge in the field of law. It caters to the needs of the society by developing professional skills of persons intending to make a career in advocacy, judicial service, law officer & legislative drafting as their profession. The objectives of the department are to evolve & impart comprehensive legal education at all levels to achieve excellence. Department offers two 5 year integrated programs, the B.A. LL.B. & LL.B. courses. There are compulsory core subjects, Language subjects, compulsory law subjects & optional law Subjects. The department has faculty comprising of highly qualified, well trained & committed scholars. The department is having its own furnished and equipped library with all the necessities.
The veracity of the Institute is increasingly being realized & recognized in the field of legal education. The Institute has airy and well lit lecture halls, actual Court like Moot Court Room, library well stocked with books by eminent national and international authors, all important Reports & Journals/Periodicals of Law available in hard copies, soft copy as well as On-Line version as per the BCI Norms. The Institute aims to impart high quality professional and ethical education in a lively academic atmosphere with highly qualified & experienced faculty. In order to sharpen the advocacy skill, the students are encouraged and prepared to participate in Inter-class Moots, National Level Moot Court Competitions etc. For the training of budding Lawyers, the practicing Advocates are being engaged. Practical Training in Courts, working in Lawyers’ Chambers, Court Visits are integral parts of the course curriculum. The Institute has also set up a Legal Aid Clinic which also organizes Legal Aid Camps in the nearby villages. Time to time Department also provides opportunity to the students for internship in various Private, Government and Non Governmental Organizations. Various academic and co-curricular activities including Debates, Quiz and Cultural Activities etc. are conducted by the Institute regularly.

Courses / Programmes

Presently the Department is offering the following academic programmes:

Course Name:Bachelor of Laws [LL.B.]
Course Level:Graduate Laws
Course Category:Regular
Admission Mode:Merit Based
Duration:3 Years
Exam System:Yearly
No. of Seats:240
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Law
Vocational Course?:No
Eligibility Criteria:Graduation Only
Eligibility Criteria:

For B.A. LL.B. Intermediate or equivalent examination. For General and Other Backward Classes candidates must secure atleast 45%* of marks and for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes minimum number of marks obtained should be 40%*. For LL.B. 10 + 2 + 3 Only

Admission Procedure:

As per the Rules and Regulations of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra & BSA PG College, Mathura.

Subjects List:

The Schedule of papers prescribed for B.A. LL.B. & LL.B. examination is as follows.

B.A. LL.B. 1st Year B.A. LL.B. 2nd Year
Political Science IPolitical Science III
Political Science IIPolitical Science IV
Sociology ISociology II
Economics IEconomics II
History IHistory II
General English IGeneral English II

B.A. LL.B. 3rd Year / LL.B. 1st Year B.A. LL.B. 4th Year / LL.B. 2nd Year
Contract I (General Principles of Contract Sec.)Jurisprudence
Arbitration, Conciliation & Alternate Dispute Resolution SystemsCriminal Procedure Code, Child Care Protection Act, 2000.
Torts and Consumer Protection LawsDrafting, Pleading and Conveyancing
Family Law ILaw of Evidence.
Family Law IICivil Procedure code limitation Act.
Law of CrimesContract II
Constitutional Law of India.Interpretation of Statutes.
Legal Language / legal WritingAny ONE paper*
Public Interest Lawyering, legal Aid and Para Legal servicesProperty Law including Transfer of Property Act and Easement Act
* International Economic Law / Bankruptcy Law / Taxation Law/Comparative Law or Legal History / Insurance Law.

B.A. LL.B. 5 Year / LL.B. 3rd Year B.A. LL.B. 5 Year / LL.B. 3rd Year
Land Laws including Ceiling & other Local Law.Environmental Law and Wild Life Animal Protection Act 1986
Human Rights and International Law.Any ONE paper**
Administrative Law.Any ONE paper***
Company Law.Moot Court, pre-trial Preparation & Participation in Trial Proceedings.
Labour Laws.Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers & Bar Bench Relations.
** Conflict of Laws/Maritime Law/Banking Laws including Negotiable Instrument Act / Investment arid Security Laws / Criminology and Penology.
*** Air and space Law / Law and Medicine / Intellectual Property Law / Trust, Equity and Fiduciary Relationship / Women and Law Relating to child Law Poverty and Development.

Vision & Mission

  • To emerge as a leading school of law in pursuit of academic excellence, innovation and nurturing entrepreneurship.
  • To be a center of excellence in law by making meaningful national and international contribution through legal education and research.
  • To impart holistic knowledge of law and mould students to be competent legal professionals, committed to the cause of community development through sustained academic activities.
  • To prepare students as legal professional through transformative educational experience.
  • To encourage global outlook of the students by providing enriched educational initiatives.
  • To promote research, innovations and entrepreneurship.
  • To inculcate ethical and moral values among the budding lawyers, judges and legal professionals and motivate them to serve the society.
Core Values
  • Excellence: Commitment to innovation and continuous learning and to ensure we keep striving for the best outcomes in all facets of life.
  • Ethical Conduct: Integrity, fairness, honesty and transparency in all actions.
  • Global Outlook: Welcoming and encouraging diverse ideas, beliefs, and cultures.
  • Promote Leadership: Believing that leaders create leadership skills in others, thus igniting a virtuous cycle of growth.
  • Collaboration and Inclusiveness: Developing a symbiotic community of faculty, students, alumni, industry, government bodies and other Universities/Centers of learning.

PEOs, POs & PSOs

Head of Department

Name:(Prof.) Dr. Sunil Kumar Rai
Designation:Professor [Incharge]
Qualification:B.A.(Hons.), M.A., LL.B., LL.M., NET., Ph.D.
Experience:19 Years
Area of Interest:Constitutional law. Environmental law. UP Land laws
Contact No.:9897019277
Email Id:raidrsk@gmail.com

Faculty Members

Name:(Prof.) Dr. Sunil Kumar Rai
Qualification:B.A.(Hons.), M.A., LL.B., LL.M., NET., Ph.D.
Experience:19 Years
Area of Interest:Constitutional law. Environmental law. UP Land laws
Contact No.:9897019277
Email Id:raidrsk@gmail.com
Name:Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:LLB, LLM, Ph.D. (Law), NET, SLET (Raj.)
Experience:20 Years
Area of Interest:Commercial Laws
Contact No.:8273672653
Email Id:amit.srivastava0706@yahoo.com
Name:Shri Adesh Kumar Singh
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:B.A., LL.B., LL.M., NET
Experience:18 Years
Area of Interest:Labour Laws
Contact No.:9412485767
Email Id:adeshkumararpitsingh@gmail.com
Name:Dr. Ved Prakash Rai
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:B.A., LL.B., LL.M., NET, Ph.D.
Area of Interest:Administrative Law
Contact No.:9410446550
Email Id:dr.vprai16@gmail.com
Name:Dr. Lavanya Kaushik
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:B.Sc., LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D.
Experience:15 Years
Area of Interest:Law
Contact No.:9634304640
Email Id:drlkaushik320@gmail.com
Name:Miss. Veena Kumari
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:B.A. LL.B., LL.M., NET, JRF
Experience:6 Months
Area of Interest:Law
Contact No.:7088506337
Email Id:Veenakumarigangwar@gmail.com
Name:Shri Sachin Singh
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:B.A. LL.B., LL.M., NET
Experience:6 Months
Area of Interest:LAW
Contact No.:8737035744
Email Id:itsmesachin22@gmail.com

Supporting Staff

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Laboratory Details

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Academic Resources

Sn.CourseCategoryYearSemesterSyllabus NameAction
1Bachelor of LawsSyllabusAllAll LL.B. Syllabus

Video Lectures

Department Achievements

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List of Students

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Department Notices

Sn.Notice Dpt.NoticeDateAction
1Administrative Office महाविद्यालय में वार्षिक खेलकूद प्रतियोगिता के आयोजन के सम्बन्ध में | 01/02/2025
2Administrative Office बी०ए०एलएल०बी० एवं एलएल०बी० के छात्र/छात्राऐं को श्रेणी सुधार/अंक सुधार के लिए परीक्षा के आवेदन पत्र पूरित करने के सम्बन्ध में | 19/11/2024
3Administrative Office समर्थ पोर्टल पर पंजीकरण के संबंध में | 18/10/2024


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