About Department

The Department of E-Commerce was established under Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra, Apart from being one of the most prestigious departments that runs since 2001 programmes. The Department well equipped laboratory with modern instruments. The department is enriched with learning resources such as charts, slides, models, herbarium which help the students in independent learning.
E-Commerce is a modern business methodology that addresses the needs of organization, merchants and consumers. It applies to the use of computer networks to search and retrieve information in support of human and corporate decision making. The Department was started with offered course B.Com with E-Commerce in college program. The Department is equipped with six trained faculty members who are qualified M.Phil, Ph.D., NET, SET for effective teaching learning process. Virtuous curriculum of the program is in par with the expectations of ecommerce Industry and creates a platform for the students who wish to pursue their carrier in the field of commerce and electronic commerce.
The UG Department of Commerce with E-Commerce was established many faculty members. The Department offers B.Com with E-Commerce (Bachelor of Commerce with Electronic Commerce) a three-year degree program. The main objective of the course is to integrate a balance between objective learning and practical learning. Students can develop a strong E-Commerce foundation to apply and refine their knowledge to the ‘Digital world’. The syllabus is updated every year to meet the present needs of the students.

Courses / Programmes

Presently the Department is offering the following academic programmes:

Course Name:Bachelor of E-Commerce [B. Com. (E-Commerce)]
Course Level:Undergraduate
Course Category:Self Finance
Admission Mode:Direct
Duration:3 Years
Exam System:Semester
No. of Seats:60
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Vocational Studies
Vocational Course?:Yes
Eligibility Criteria:Inter (in any stream) with atleast 45% marks.
Admission Procedure:

As per the Rules and Regulations of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra & BSA PG College, Mathura.

Subjects List:

The Schedule of papers prescribed for E-Commerce examination is as follows.

Semester - I Semester - II
e-Commerce & Business StrategyDigital Electronics
Introduction to Computer FundamentalsStatistical Techniques & Decision Analysis
Marketing CommunicationIntroduction to 'C' and Programming in C++
Business OrgnizationWeb Technology & Design
Language & CommunicationAdvertising & Sales Promotion
Principles of Management.Materials Management & Stores Control

Semester - III Semester - IV
Advertising & Personal SellingFinancial Accounting
Industrial Organization & Personal SellingCommercial Arithmetic
Web Designing & Publishing -Photoshop, Corel, GIF Animator, FlashSoftware Engineering
Introduction to Computer Network/Internet & Data ProcessingAdvanced Scripting Language (XML, WAP, WML)
Database Management System (ORACLE, Introduction to DBMS)Core Java
Visual Basic Programming 6.0International Trade & Procedure

Semester - V Semester - VI
Logistic & Distribution ManagementResearch Report
Company AccountsProject Report Viva
Organization BehaviorEntrepreneurship Development
Server Side Scriptinge-Banking & Insurance
Advanced Java (JDBC, Java Beans, JFC)Cyber Laws
Management Information SystemFinancial Management

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