Vision & Mission

Welcome you all to this great temple of learning. This is the prestigious institution in Brijkhsetra that provides unique opportunities for the development of the young minds in a Progressive and conducive atmosphere. This type of atmosphere is the reflection of great vision of the founder of Shri Babu Shivnath Agrawal ji.

Our Vision

The college maintains a tradition of inculcating human values in the minds of the Students. We take pains for their physical, mental and intellectual development. The aim of the college is to develop the thinking, analytical and intellectual faculty of the teachers and not to stuff their brains with second thoughts and ideas. Teachers are enabled to gather the wisdom of the east and west. Education in this college of education is an enjoyable process and not an imposed, dreary and dull syllabus cramming only. We present a unique atmosphere for the Students.

Our Mission

  • To develop leadership quality amongst the students.
  • To strength moral values & invigorate cultural ethos.
  • To mould character, inculcate discipline & spirit of unity amongst the students.
  • To transform skill and knowledge congruent to the jobs in the society.

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