About Department

Zoology is the study of animals wherein the student receives a highly comprehensive exposure to all levels of animal function and their diversity. As a subject it creates enormous interest in us as we are also part of the animal kingdom. Thus, understanding the development and evolution of animals help us to explore ourselves better. In this stream, students delve at a deeper level about how animals are integral component of the ecosystem. Animals also have a major impact on our economy either as a competing for our food or as parasites influencing the quality of public health.
The knowledge of animal forms and their physiological function opens the gateway to applications in a number of exciting and innovative fields. In recent years, the study of both fundamental and applied Zoology has induced a keen interest in students, researchers and animal science-based industries. This subjects have been able to grab the attention of the academic world and have motivated scientists to work towards biodiversity conservation, formulating ecological safeguards and to apply Biotechnology & Bioinformatics to the field of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences. The academic programs of the department include BSc, MSc in Zoology.

Courses / Programmes

Presently the Department is offering the following academic programmes:

Course Name:Bachelor of Science [B.Sc. (ZBC)]
Subject:Zoology, Botany, Chemistry
Course Level:Undergraduate
Course Category:Regular
Admission Mode:Merit Based
Duration:3 Years
Exam System:Semester
No. of Seats:240
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Science
Vocational Course?:No
Eligibility Criteria:Inter with PCB
Course Name:Master of Science [M.Sc. (Zoology)]
Course Level:Postgraduate
Course Category:Regular
Admission Mode:Merit Based
Duration:2 Years
Exam System:Semester
No. of Seats:20
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Science
Vocational Course?:No
Eligibility Criteria:B.Sc. With ZBC with 50% marks (45% marks for SC/ST)
Admission Procedure:

As per the Rules and Regulations of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra & BSA PG College, Mathura.

Subjects List:

The Schedule of papers prescribed for B.Sc. (Zoology) examination is as follows.

Semester - I Semester - II
Cytology, Genetics & Infectious DiseasesBiochemistry & Physiology
Cell Biology & Cytogenetics Lab (Practical)Physiological, Biochemical & Hematology Lab (Practical/Field work)

Semester - III Semester - IV
Molecular Biology, Bioinstrumentation & BiotechniquesGene Technology, Immunology & Computational Biology
Bioinstrumentation & Molecular Biology Lab (Practical)Genetic Engineering & Counselling Lab (Practical/Field work)

Semester - V Semester - VI
Diversity of Non-Chordates, Parasitology & Economic ZoologyEvolutionary & Developmental Biology
Diversity of Chordates & Comparative AnatomyEcology, Ethology, Environmental Science & Wildlife
Lab on Virtual Dissection, Anatomy, Economic Zoology & Parasitology (Practical) Lab on Environmental Science, Behavioral Ecology, Developmental Biology, Wildlife, Ethology (Practical)

Vision & Mission


By utilizing cutting-edge research and progressive pedagogical practices, we aim to instil in our pupils the greatest possible moral standards, a profound respect for the natural environment, and a comprehensive understanding of animal sciences.

  • To provide learners with the knowledge and abilities needed for their future endeavors.
  • To foster an appetite for research and encourage scientific temperament.
  • To develop participants into self-assured, environmentally conscious citizens who can make meaningful contributions to the dynamic world.
  • To make the students proficient in the various aspects of animal forms like their structure, functions, inheritance and reproduction, animal diversity, environmental studies and evolution.
  • To enable the students to formulate hypotheses, gather and analyze data as a part of their minor project work.
  • To train students critical and analytical thinking, experiential learning and communicative skills.
  • To develop entrepreneurial skills as it is incorporated into their learning process like vermicomposting, apiculture and ornamental fish keeping that equips the students to become self-employed and to generate employment.
  • Team work and individual efforts are encouraged among students that make them competent for the work place challenges.

PEOs, POs & PSOs

Head of Department

Name:Dr. Praveen Kumar
Designation:Assistant Professor [Incharge]
Qualification:B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Experience:20 Years
Area of Interest:Entomology
Contact No.:9412130064
Email Id:praveen75sharma@gmail.com

Faculty Members

Name:Dr. Praveen Kumar
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Experience:20 Years
Area of Interest:Entomology
Contact No.:9412130064
Email Id:praveen75sharma@gmail.com
Name:Dr. Ashok Kumar
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., B.Ed., Diploma in Yoga & Naturopathy
Experience:4 Years
Area of Interest:Entomology
Contact No.:9837063515
Email Id:ashokbio18@gmail.com
Name:Shri Sandeep
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:B.Sc., M.Sc., NET-JRF, Ph.D. (Pursuing)
Experience:1 Year
Area of Interest:Zoology
Contact No.:8607593859
Email Id:Sandeepkumarbharti110@gmail.com
Name:Shri Vareesh Baghela
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:B.Sc., M.Sc., NET JRF, GATE
Experience:1 Year
Area of Interest:Zoology
Contact No.:8386933502
Email Id:vareeshbaghel@gmail.com

Supporting Staff

Shri Mahendra Singh TomarLab Asstt. (Zoology)M.A

Laboratory Details

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Academic Resources

Sn.CourseCategoryYearSemesterSyllabus NameAction
1Bachelor of ScienceSyllabusAllAll B.Sc. Zoology Syllabus
2Master of ScienceSyllabusAllAll M.Sc. Zoology Syllabus

Video Lectures

Department Achievements

Updated Soon

List of Students

Updated Soon

Department Notices

Sn.Notice Dpt.NoticeDateAction
1Administrative Office महाविद्यालय में वार्षिक खेलकूद प्रतियोगिता के आयोजन के सम्बन्ध में | 01/02/2025
2Administrative Office समर्थ पोर्टल पर पंजीकरण के संबंध में | 18/10/2024


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