About Department

The Department of Computer Science has been running the B.Sc. (Computer Science) course successfully. The curriculum aims at providing an introductory yet comprehensive view of established and emerging areas in diverse scientific field. It also employs application oriented approach, emphasizing development of problem solving skills in students.
BSA PG College has an excellent group of dedicated faculty and experts from the IT industry to guide the students and give fruition to their interest in the subject. The exclusive and well-equipped lab for the department, with a network of the latest microprocessor-based computers and software, provides hands-on training in various fields of computers. The college has a placement cell to guide our young software professionals seeking career opportunities in the IT industry. With highly qualified and experienced faculty using cutting edge technical assistance and techniques, it has emerged at the forefront among all the departments with high performing students. In the recent years, the Department has taken the lead in the digitization of the course structure and curriculum of the College. Apart from the FDPs, the Department of Computer Science organizes Orientation Programmes, Departmental Fests, Student Awareness Programmes, Academic Conferences and many other events on a regular basis for overall development of the students. The students are also encouraged to participate in academic and non-academic inter-college and intra-college activities. Department also offer the Post Graduate Diploma cources like:
Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications & Office Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Programming

Courses / Programmes

Presently the Department is offering the following academic programmes:

Course Name:Bachelor of Science [B.Sc. (C.S.)]
Course Level:Undergraduate
Course Category:Self Finance
Admission Mode:Merit Based
Duration:3 Years
Exam System:Semester
No. of Seats:60
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Vocational Studies
Vocational Course?:Yes
Eligibility Criteria:Inter (PCM) with atleast 45% marks
Course Name:Master of Science [M.Sc. (Computer Science)]
Course Level:Postgraduate
Course Category:Self Finance
Admission Mode:Direct
Duration:2 Years
Exam System:Semester
No. of Seats:30
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Vocational Studies
Vocational Course?:Yes
Eligibility Criteria:B.Sc. With CS with 50% marks (45% marks for SC/ST)
Course Name:Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications & Office Management [PGDCA & OM]
Course Level:PG Diploma
Course Category:Self Finance
Admission Mode:Direct
Duration:1 Year
Exam System:Yearly
No. of Seats:30
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Vocational Studies
Vocational Course?:Yes
Eligibility Criteria:Graduation + 2 Only
Course Name:Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Programming [PGD Computer Programming]
Course Level:PG Diploma
Course Category:Self Finance
Admission Mode:Direct
Duration:1 Year
Exam System:Yearly
No. of Seats:25
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Vocational Studies
Vocational Course?:Yes
Eligibility Criteria:Graduation + 2 Only
Admission Procedure:

As per the Rules and Regulations of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra & BSA PG College, Mathura.

Subjects List:

The Schedule of papers prescribed for B.Sc. (Computer Science) examination is as follows.

Semester - I Semester - II
Problem Solving using ComputerDatabase Management Systems
Software Lab using Python (Practical)Database Management Systems Lab (Practical)

Semester - III Semester - IV
Operating SystemsComputer System Architecture
Operating Systems Lab (Practical)Computer System Architecture Lab (Practical)

Semester - V Semester - VI
Analysis of Algorithms & Data StructuresData Communication & Computer Networks
Soft ComputingCyber Security & Cyber Laws
Lab on Algorithms & Data Structures with C++ (Practical)Lab on Computer Networks (Practical)
Research Project-I (Project)Research Project-II (Project)

Vision & Mission

  • To make the most ideal environment for quality insight in computer science and structuring the students for a globalized technical society.
  • To empower women through the knowledge of information technology and moral values to make them globally competent and committed to build a vibrant nation.
  • Attaining global recognition in computer science education, research and training to meet the growing needs of the industry and society.
  • Imparting quality education through a well-designed curriculum in tune with the challenging software needs of the industry.
  • Providing state-of-the-art research facilities to generate knowledge and develop technologies in the thrust areas of computer science.
  • Developing linkages with world class organizations to strengthen industry academia relationship for mutual benefit.
  • To produce individuals with excellent applicable computer knowledge and experience.
  • To bridge the gap between IT industries and institutes by incorporating the latest developments into the curriculum.
  • To shape outstanding computer professionals with ethical and human values to guide the nation and empower the citizens of this country.
  • To impart to students the logical and analytical skills required to have a competitive advantage in the field of Information Technology.
  • To mould students to become ethically responsible individuals and use technology sensibly.
  • To educate students to adapt to the changing dynamics of the IT industry.
  • To encourage students to use knowledge gained to contribute to society.

PEOs, POs & PSOs

Head of Department

Name:(Prof.) Dr. Uma Rani
Designation:Professor [Coordinator]
Qualification:B.Sc., M.Sc.(Statistics), Ph.D.
Experience:18 Years
Area of Interest:Statistics
Contact No.:9456080888
Email Id:Chaudhary 1978@gmail.com

Faculty Members

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Supporting Staff

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Laboratory Details

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Academic Resources

Sn.CourseCategoryYearSemesterSyllabus NameAction
1Bachelor of ScienceSyllabusAllAll B.Sc. Computer Science Syllabus
2Master of ScienceSyllabusAllAll M.Sc. Computer Science Syllabus
3Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications & Office ManagementSyllabusAllAll PGD C.A.& O.M. Syllabus
4Post Graduate Diploma in Computer ProgrammingSyllabusAllAll PGD C.P. Syllabus

Video Lectures

Department Achievements

Updated Soon

List of Students

Updated Soon

Department Notices

Sn.Notice Dpt.NoticeDateAction
1Administrative Office महाविद्यालय में वार्षिक खेलकूद प्रतियोगिता के आयोजन के सम्बन्ध में | 01/02/2025
2Administrative Office समर्थ पोर्टल पर पंजीकरण के संबंध में | 18/10/2024


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