About Department

The Department of Physics was established under Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra, Apart from being one of the most prestigious departments that runs B.Sc. (since 1959), and M.Sc. (since 1965) programmes, it also offers courses in basic Physicsto undergraduate & postgraduate students. The Department well equipped laboratory with modern instruments. The department is enriched with learning resources such as charts, slides, models, herbarium which help the students in independent learning.
The department started its activity at undergraduate level in and there is no looking back since then. The Department of Physics is functional since the inception of the university. Physics is the science of nature dealing with the whole universe. It mainly involves the study of matter, energy, and their interactions. Other sciences are reliant on the concepts and techniques developed through physics. Physics extends and enhances our understanding of other disciplines, such as; agricultural, chemical, biological, environmental sciences, astrophysics and cosmology, statistics, sociology, etc. which are subjects of substantial importance to all people of the world. The academic programs of the department include BSc, MSc in Physics. The department conducts teaching for students of UG and PG programs for basic sciences as well as engineering discipline. The department is also involved in conducting interdisciplinary studies and collaborative research. Material science, functional nanomaterials, atomic physics, nuclear physics, non-linear dynamics, theoretical physics, soft condensed matter and biophysics are the thrust research areas of the department.
The department is well equipped with necessary facilities and resources for teaching, experiments, higher learning and research. The department also has a full fledged PG Departmental Library well stocked with standard books and journals.

Courses / Programmes

Presently the Department is offering the following academic programmes:

Course Name:Bachelor of Science [B.Sc. (PCM)]
Subject:Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
Course Level:Undergraduate
Course Category:Regular
Admission Mode:Merit Based
Duration:3 Years
Exam System:Semester
No. of Seats:240
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Science
Vocational Course?:No
Eligibility Criteria:Inter with PCM
Course Name:Bachelor of Science [B.Sc. (PSM)]
Subject:Physics, Statistics, Mathematics
Course Level:Undergraduate
Course Category:Regular
Admission Mode:Merit Based
Duration:3 Years
Exam System:Semester
No. of Seats:80
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Science
Vocational Course?:No
Eligibility Criteria:Inter with PCM
Course Name:Master of Science [M.Sc. (Physics)]
Course Level:Postgraduate
Course Category:Regular
Admission Mode:Merit Based
Duration:2 Years
Exam System:Semester
No. of Seats:25
Affiliated From:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Managed By:Faculty of Science
Vocational Course?:No
Eligibility Criteria:B.Sc. with Physics in final year. (Minimum marks: General/OBC 50%, SC/ST 45%).
Admission Procedure:

As per the Rules and Regulations of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra & BSA PG College, Mathura.

Subjects List:

The Schedule of papers prescribed for B.Sc. (Physics) examination is as follows.

Semester - I Semester - II
Mathematical Physics & Newtonian MechanicsThermal Physics & Semiconductor Devices
Mechanical Properties of Matter (Practical)Thermal Properties of Matter & Electronic Circuits (Practical)

Semester - III Semester - IV
Electromagnetic Theory & Modern OpticsPerspectives of Modern Physics & Basic Electronics
Demonstrative Aspects of Electricity & Magnetism (Practical)Basic Electronics Instrumentation (Practical)

Semester - V Semester - VI
Classical & Statistical MechanicsSolid State & Nuclear Physics
Quantum Mechanics & SpectroscopyAnalog & Digital Principles & Applications
Demonstrative Aspects of Optics & Lasers (Practical)Analog & Digital Circuits (Practical)

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