Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science was created with the inception of the College in the year 1958 with three departments of Physics, Chemisrty and Mathematics. Subsequently, the Department of Botany, Department of Zoology, and Department of Statistics. New departments emerged out of these such as the Department of Computer Science evolved from the Department of Mathematics.
The aim of science and its study is to develop knowledge about the universe — constructing hypotheses and testing them to illuminate upon new ideas and discernment of the world around us.
The main motto behind the Faculty of Science is to create intuitive minds who ponder upon unique scientific ideas that may be inherently tentative, but as they test and re-test on them, they learn through the process and inculcate a scientific curiosity.

(Prof.) Dr. Babita Agrawal
(Prof.) Dr. Babita Agrawal
Dean Academics
(Prof.)  Dr. Khushwant Singh
(Prof.) Dr. Khushwant Singh
Dean Student Welfare
(Prof.) Dr. Shifali Bhargava
(Prof.) Dr. Shifali Bhargava
Dean Research
The Faculty offered following Programs

The Faculty of Science offers different programs in respective departments which include:

S. No. Course Duration Subjects (Under Regular Category) Subjects (Under Self Finance Category)
1. Bachelor of Science Three years program Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics,
Statistics, Zoology, Botany
Computer Science, Industrial Chemistry,
Industrial Microbiology
2. Master of Science Two years program Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics,
Zoology, Botany
Computer Science, Statistics, Microbiology
  • High quality study programs and scientific and professional work are ensured through the continuous development of its scientific and organisational infrastructure.
  • The staff of the Faculty conduct internationally relevant and competitive basic research, creating the basis for the further growth of science and mathematics and the initiation of applied and developmental research.
  • Excellence in university education in science and mathematics and the development of innovative curricula and techniques based on research and the latest scientific findings.
  • Recognizing and fostering excellence in all areas of activity and nurturing academic freedom marked by personal responsibility.
  • Promote ethical principles and affirmative and critical thinking, embracing social responsibility and promoting social change while being open to it.
  • The promotion and popularisation of natural sciences and mathematics in all parts of society for the purpose of accepting and guiding younger generations toward natural sciences.
  • Contribute to the development of the economy and society as a whole through applied and developmental research within the national triangle of knowledge formed by means of cooperation with the business sector, in particular the industry and financial institutions.
Uniform for Students

For Boys: Shirt - White, Pants - Blue For Girls: Kurta - White, Salwar - White, Duptta - Blue In winter with black coat or cardigan, Black shoes & white shocks is compulsory with uniform. Important Note: Any style in uniform like Patiala / legging / ankle length STRICTLY not allowed.

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